Empowering Young Women Since 1930

Our members are encouraged to strive to achieve and embody the ideals of our Order; Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. In addition to these ideals, members embrace the following goals and principles: Sisterhood, Service, Citizenship, Hellenism, Family and Arete or Virtue.
Mr. Thomas D. Lentgis, the Supreme Governor of the Order of AHEPA, founded the Maids of Athena on July 5, 1930 in Tacoma, Washington. At the time, the first chapter Sparta #1 was founded with 12 original members; however, a charter was not granted until November 18, 1937.
Charters were then granted to Alethea #2 in Seattle, Washington, Diana #3 in Portland Oregon, and Ariadne #4 in Vancouver, British Columbia. By the end of 1937, there were 20 chapters and a total membership of 444.
The first constitution and ritual were written in 1935. At the 1950 Supreme Convention in Cleveland, the Maids of Athena officially became the Junior Auxiliary of the Daughters of Penelope. In 1953, the first National Conference of the Maids of Athena was held in Houston. The first Maids of Athena Grande Lodge was elected in 1954 at the Pittsburgh Conference.